A Family of Ophthalmic Practices

We offer an extensive ophthalmic surgical network of brands with offices throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey. Our centers provide innovative surgical solutions partnered with ophthalmology practices to deliver the best possible outcomes for our patients. OOMC is pleased to provide the highest level of expertise in the ophthalmic treatment space.



When Is It Time To Consult A Doctor About Dry Eyes?

January 02, 2020

Dry eye syndrome is a difficult condition to deal with and we understand the pain and irritation it can cause. If you’re dealing with the irritating symptoms of dry eyes such as itching, burning, and blurry vision, it’s important to find relief as soon as possible.


If you are experiencing symptoms and think you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome, set up an appointment with your doctor so he can perform an evaluation. During this evaluation, the doctor will examine the inner and outer parts of your eyelids, as well as the quantity and quality of tears your eyes are producing.


Aside from simply wanting relief, it’s important to see a doctor because it’s possible for dry eyes to cause further damage to the eye. A lack of tears in the eyes also means a lack of protection, which can make your eyes more susceptible to injury. Getting treatment for your dry eyes will help protect them and reduce the uncomfortable symptoms.


If your dry eyes are very mild, you may be able to reli

eve the symptoms by using simple treatment methods. If you find these methods help your eyes enough that you don’t need any further treatment, it’s still recommended that you see a doctor just to be safe.




It’s common for people to experience dry eyes throughout the day, especially if they wear contacts or stare at a computer screen all day long. If you work with computers, try to remember the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes that you spend looking at a computer screen, stop and focus on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will help your eyes restore lubrication. Setting a timer is a good way to help you remember to do this.




Since your eyes aren’t producing enough lubrication on their own, it’s a good idea to supplement with artificial tears. These eye drops are formulated with various elements found naturally in your own tears in order to help keep your eyes moist and comfortable. Be sure to use artificial tears and avoid decongestant eye drops advertised for red eyes. If the wrong eye drops are used, dry eye symptoms can increase.


If you’ve tried these methods without improvement, it’s critical to have your condition evaluated by a doctor. Your dry eyes may be serious and should be treated professionally. Treatment options for more severe cases of dry eyes are as follows:


Your doctor may prescribe eye drops. There are several different types of prescription eye drops based on your dry eyes. Depending on the type of eye drops your doctor prescribes, they can reduce the inflammation of your eyes, or work like artificial tears—only more effectively.


Your doctor may also give you the option of Intense Pulse Light therapy. This method features pulses of light that can reduce the evaporation of your tears, keeping your eyes moist. During treatment, you will feel a mild tingling sensation, but side effects are minimal.


The best time to see your doctor about your dry eyes is when you experience symptoms. Your doctor can evaluate your eyes and provide an individual treatment plan for you. He or she will be able to determine why you are experiencing dry eye symptoms and how best to treat them.

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